

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Bourses d'Excellence Eiffel (niveau master et doctorat)

                          Image result for Bourses d'Excellence Eiffel

Le programme de bourses Eiffel est un outil développé par le ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères afin de permettre aux établissements français d’enseignement supérieur d’attirer les meilleurs étudiants étrangers dans des formations diplômantes de niveau master et en doctorat.

Il permet de former les futurs décideurs étrangers, des secteurs privé et public, dans les domaines d’études prioritaires, et de stimuler les candidatures d’étudiants originaires de pays émergents pour le niveau master et de pays émergents et industrialisés pour le niveau doctorat.

Calendrier session 2018
Ouverture de l’appel à candidature : semaine du 16 octobre 2017
Date limite de réception des dossiers par Campus France : 12 janvier 2018
Annonce des résultats : semaine du 26 mars 2018


Vade-mecum du programme Eiffel - Session 2018

Dossiers :
Seuls les établissements français d’enseignement supérieur peuvent déposer des dossiers de candidatures.

Vous êtes étudiant et souhaitez connaître les modalités du programme d’excellence Eiffel cliquez ici.

International Student Undergraduate Scholarships At Ferris State University

Ferris State University in Michigan offers scholarships to international students based on academic performance. Depending on grade point average,an international student can earn between $1,500 and $11,460 a year to study unique programs in engineering, technology, liberal arts, and business.. Ferris also offers conditional acceptance through its Intensive English Program.

Undergraduate - Associate's
Undergraduate - Bachelor's

Incoming International Student Scholarships
If you are an international student who is entering college for the first-time, Ferris State University is pleased to offer the Woodbridge N. Ferris Scholarship opportunities.

Woodbridge N. Ferris Scholarships

Founder's Scholarship

Value - Up to $11,460 per year / $45,840 for four years
Criteria: 31 ACT or 1350* SAT score and a 3.9/4.0 scale HS GPA.
TOEFL - 96/ IELTS 7.5
Renewal cumulative GPA: 3.3

President's Scholarship

Value - $6,000 per year/ $24,000 for four years
Criteria: 29 ACT or 1300* SAT score and a 3.7/4.0 scale HS GPA.
TOEFL - 88/ IELTS 7.0
Renewal cumulative GPA: 3.3

Provost's Scholarship

Value - $4,500 per year/ $18,000 for four years
Criteria: 26 ACT or 1210* SAT score and a 3.5/4.0 scale HS GPA.
TOEFL - 80/ IELTS 6.5
Renewal cumulative GPA: 3.0

Dean's Scholarship

Value - $3,500 per year/ $14,000 for four years
Criteria: 24 ACT or 1140* SAT score and a 3.4/4.0 scale HS GPA.
TOEFL - 74/ IELTS 6.5
Renewal cumulative GPA: 3.0

Ferris Gold Scholarship

Value - $2,000 per year/ $8,000 for four years
Criteria: 22 ACT or 1080* SAT score and a 3.25/4.0 scale HS GPA.
TOEFL - 67/ IELTS 6.0
Renewal cumulative GPA: 2.75

Ferris Crimson Scholarship

Value - $1,500 per year/ $6,000 for four years
Criteria: 21 ACT or 1040* SAT score and a 3.0/4.0 scale HS GPA.
TOEFL - 65/ IELTS 6.0
Renewal cumulative GPA: 2.75

* Evidenced-Based Reading & Writing Section and Math Section SAT score after March 1, 2016

If you are a new international student who is transferring to Ferris State University, you may be eligible for the International Transfer Scholarship listed below.

Ferris International Transfer Scholarship

$5,500 per year/ $16,500 for three years
Criteria: 3.3 Cumulative Transfer GPA and 24 accepted Credit Hours
Requires full-time enrollment (minimum 12 credit hours)
Students must maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards for scholarship renewal.
Please note that International students from the Province of Ontario, Canada will be awarded the higher-valued Bulldog Award and not the Ferris International Transfer Scholarship.

For complete scholarship details, please see our WNF Frequently Asked Questions

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists for the 2018–2019 Academic Year

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor’s degree.

I. Types of scholarship

Research scholarship is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree as a minimum) who are planning to come to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level.
Research scholarships are awarded for research or study at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology. Only candidates nominated by an academic mentor at one of these higher education institutions will be considered.

Art scholarships are open to art students wishing to pursue an initial master’s degree in Switzerland.
Art scholarships are awarded for study at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts. This scholarship is available to students from a limited number of countries only.

II. Selection criteria

The FCS assesses scholarship applications according to three criteria:

a) Candidate profile
b) Quality of the research project or artistic work
c) Synergies and potential for future research cooperation

The FCS will select scholarship holders for the 2018–19 academic year by the end of May 2018. Scholarships for the 2019–20 academic year will be advertised online from August 2018.

III. Selection

Applications are subject to preliminary selection by the relevant national authorities and/or the Swiss diplomatic representation. The short-listed applications are then assessed by the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), which takes the final decision.

The FCS is composed of professors from all Swiss public universities. Scholarship awards are decided on the basis of academic and scientific excellence.

IV. Awards

The FCS will announce its decisions regarding the new scholarship awards by the end of May at the latest.

VI. Application procedure


VII. Interested?

Select your country of origin:
Countries A - L /  Countries M - Z

Check the application deadline and the different types of scholarship on offer. These vary according to country. You will also find details of what to do next and where to get more information.

For more information contact the Swiss embassy closest to you.

Bourses d’excellence de la Confédération suisse pour chercheurs et artistes étrangers pour l'année académique 2018–2019

La Confédération suisse offre chaque année des bourses d’excellence dans le domaine de la recherche et des arts. Ces bourses gouvernementales encouragent les échanges internationaux et promeuvent la collaboration entre la Suisse et plus de 180 pays. Elles sont attribuées par la Commission fédérale des bourses pour étudiants étrangers (CFBE).

Les bourses d’excellence de la Confédération suisse s’adressent à de jeunes chercheurs étrangers ayant achevé des études de master ou de doctorat et à des artistes étrangers titulaires d’une licence.

I. Types de bourses 

Bourse de recherche: les chercheurs titulaires d’un master ou d’un doctorat de toutes disciplines qui souhaitent effectuer un séjour de recherche ou poursuivre leurs recherches doctorales ou postdoctorales en Suisse peuvent prétendre à une bourse de recherche.
 Il est possible d’obtenir une bourse de recherche pour toutes les universités et hautes écoles spécialisées de Suisse ainsi que pour les deux écoles polytechniques fédérales.
Seules sont valables les candidatures soutenues par un conseiller académique de la haute école choisie.

Bourse artistique: les étudiants en art titulaires d’un bachelor qui souhaitent obtenir leur premier master en Suisse peuvent demander une bourse artistique.Il est possible d’obtenir une bourse artistique pour étudier dans tous les conservatoires et hautes écoles d’art de Suisse. Cette offre de bourses est limitée à certains pays.

II. Critères de sélection

La CFBE examine les demandes de bourse selon les trois critères suivants:
a) le profil du candidat;
b) la qualité du projet de recherche ou du travail artistique;
c) les synergies et le potentiel pour une future collaboration.
La CFBE prendra sa décision concernant les bourses 2018-2019 d’ici à fin mai 2018. L’appel à candidatures pour l’année académique 2019-2020 sera en ligne à partir d’août 2018.

III. Sélection

Les dossiers de candidature font l’objet d’une première pré-sélection par les organes nationaux compétents et/ou par la représentation diplomatique suisse. Les dossiers retenus sont ensuite évalués par la Commission fédérale des bourses (CFBE) qui procède à l’attribution des bourses.
La CFBE est composée de professeurs issus de toutes les hautes écoles suisses. Les bourses sont attribuées sur la base de l’excellence scientifique.

IV. Attribution des bourses

La CFBE informe les candidats personnellement sur l’attribution des bourses au plus tard jusqu’à fin mai.

V. Procédure de demande 

VI. Vous souhaitez postuler?

Sélectionnez votre pays d’origine (anglais):
Countries A - L /  Countries M - Z
Vérifiez les délais en vigueur pour le dépôt des candidatures et les types de bourses proposés pour votre pays. Vous y trouverez également toutes les informations nécessaires pour la suite de la procédure ainsi que les adresses des centres d’information compétents.

Pour plus d'information consulter l'ambassade Suisse la plus proche de vous.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Korean Government Scholarship Program

Image result for korean government scholarship

Program Overview

The Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) supports the future global leaders and promotes the international cooperation in education by inviting talented international students to Korea for an opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea.


[Graduate Program]
Master's Degree1 year Language Courses + 2 year Degree Courses
Doctoral Degree1 year Language Courses + 3 year Degree Courses
  1. ① The applicant and his/her parents must hold foreign citizenships.
    * Applicants with the Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.
  2. ② Applicants must be under 40 years of age of the selection year.
  3. ③ Applicants must hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree as of September 1st of the selection year.
    * Applicants who have completed an undergraduate program, a master's program, or a doctoral program in Korea are ineligible to apply for the program.
  4. ④ The academic achievement of the applicants must meet one of the followings:
    - The grade point average (GPA) must be no less than 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4.3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale; or
    - The overall grades must be no less than 80% out of 100%
[Undergraduate Program]
Bachelor's Degrees
(5 years)
Korean language course(up to 1 year) + Bachelor's degree course requirements(4 years)
Associate Degrees
(3 years)
Korean language course(up to 1 year) + Associate degree course requirements(2 years)
QualificationsProspective applicants must meet the following qualification criteria;
  1. ① Must be a citizen of the country to which the scholarship is offered, which also applies to the applicants' parents
  2. ② Have graduated or will be scheduled to graduate from high school as of March 1st of the invitation year
  3. ③ Must possess above 80% (out of 100%) cumulative grade point average (CGPA), or must be within the top 20% (out of 100%) in rank in high school.

Selection Procedure

[Graduate and Undergraduate Program]
1st SelectionApplicants submit their applications either to the Korean Embassies around the world or to the partering universities in Korea. The embassies and universities select the successful candidates among the applicants in the 1st round of selection. The applicants of the successful candidates will then be forwarded to NIIED. 
2nd SelectionThe NIIED selection committee selects the successful candidates among those who passed the 1st round.
3rd SelectionAmong the successful candidates who have passed the 2nd round, the applicants of those who applied through the Korean Embassies will be reviewed by universities for admission. Successful candidates must get admission from at least one of the universities.
Announcement of final successful candidates will be made

Scholarship Benefits

[Graduate Program]
AirfareRound-trip economy class ticket
Monthly Allowance900,000 KRW per month
Research Allowance210,000 KRW for scholars in the field of humanities and social sciences;
240,000 KRW for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences
Settlement Allowance200,000 KRW upon arrival
Language Training FeeFull coverage
TuitionAll admission fees are waived by the host institution (university)
The tuition is covered by NIIED and the university.
Dissertation Printing CostsReimbursement of 500,000 ~ 800,000 KRW depending on actual costs
Medical Insurance20,000 KRW per month (limited coverage)
Korean Proficiency Grants100,000 KRW per month for scholars with TOPIK Level 5 or 6

[Undergraduate Program]
AirfareRound-trip economy class ticket
Monthly Allowance800,000 KRW per month
Settlement Allowance200,000 KRW upon arrival
Language Training FeeFull coverage
TuitionAll admission fees are waived by the host institution (university)
The tuition is covered by NIIED and the university.
Medical Insurance20,000 KRW per month (limited coverage)
Korean Proficiency Grants100,000 KRW per month for scholars with TOPIK Level 5 or 6

Bourses du Gouvernement de la Republique Tcheque

                        Image result for etudier en republique czech

Dans le cadre de la coopération avec les pays en développement, la Republique Tcheque propose des bourses d’études  pour l'annee academique 2017/2018

- en langue tchèque :
  en licence (trois à quatre ans)
 en master long (des programmes complets de quatre à six ans)

- des cours linguistiques et préparatoires d’un an, ne concerne que ceux qui ont choisi des études en langue tchèque – organisés par l’Institut des cours linguistiques et préparatoires de l’Université Charles

 - en langue anglaise : 
     en masters sélectionnés (un à trois ans) faisant suite à une licence,
     en doctorats sélectionnés (trois à quatre ans)

Table des matières :

1 Bourses du gouvernement de la République tchèque – informations générales

2 Dépôt de candidature, délais, formulaires

3 Dossier à présenter
     3.1 Inscription
     3.2 Pièces à fournir par les candidats aux études en licence et master long dispensées en langue tchèque
     3.3 Pièces à fournir par les candidats aux études en master, dispensées en langue anglaise
     3.4 Pièces à fournir par les candidats aux études en doctorat, dispensées en langue tchèque ou anglaise
      3.5 Pièces à fournir par les candidats qui, à la date fixée pour déposer la demande de bourse du gouvernement tchèque, sont étudiants d’un programme accrédité dans une école supérieure publique en RT
      3.6 Reconnaissance des études secondaires effectuées à l’étranger et les pièces à fournir
         3.6.1 Reconnaissance des études secondaires effectuées à l’étranger
         3.6.2 Pièces à fournir
       3.7 Reconnaissance des études supérieures effectuées à l’étranger et les pièces à fournir
           3.7.1 Reconnaissance des études supérieures effectuées à l’étranger
           3.7.2 Pièces à fournir

4 Arrivée en République tchèque
   4.1 Arrivée des boursiers qui vont étudier en la République tchèque
   4.2 Arrivée des boursiers qui vont étudier en langue anglaise et qui vont directement à l’université

5 Études linguistiques et préparatoires

6 Aide matérielle et financière

7 Disparition du droit à la bourse

8 Séjour des étrangers sur le territoire de la République tchèque

9 Les conditions appliquées aux services de santé

10 Obligations du boursier du gouvernement de la République tchèque

11 Contacts utiles

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Iowa State University – International Merit Scholarships

                     Image result for iowa university

Award Description

Iowa State is committed to enrolling a diverse and talented student population. The International Merit Scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated strong academic achievement, and outstanding talent or achievements in one or more of the following areas: math and sciences, the arts, extracurricular activities, community service, leadership, innovation, or entrepreneurship.


Incoming international freshmen applicants and international transfer applicants with fewer than 66 transferrable semester credits.

Scholarship Awards

There are two international Merit Scholarship levels (see below). Freshmen and transfer applicants are eligible for both levels of awards.
LevelScholarship Amount
Gold$8,000/year (renewable) *
Cardinal$4,000/year (renewable) *
* Freshman recipients will be funded for a maximum of 8 semesters, or completion of the degree, whichever comes first.
* Transfer recipients will be funded for a maximum of 5 semesters, or completion of the degree, whichever comes first.

Application Requirements

  • A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) comparable to a minimum of 3.0 out of 4.0 (B)
  • The SAT is not required, but if submitted, it will be considered
  • A resume or CV listing your achievements
  • One letter of recommendation
  • A 500-word essay. You may write something that will help the committee get to know you better and tell us why you deserve the award, or you may answer one of the questions provided on the scholarship application form
  • Applicants must be international students and must have completed an international application for admission

How to Apply

You must submit your Undergraduate Application for Admission and all required transcripts, financial documents, and examination results before you may apply for the International Merit Scholarship, as we will review your application file as part of our scholarship consideration.
Once you have submitted your application for admission, you may then complete the International Merit Scholarship Application Form. Please be sure to use your name exactly as it is entered on your application for admission so that we can match your scholarship application to your undergraduate application. You will use this form to upload your current resume or CV (in PDF format), type your essay, and send the letter of recommendation form to the person you have asked to provide it. (These items must all be submitted using this form. We will not accept any scholarship materials via email or post.)

Deadline: Applying for the Scholarship

TermApplication Deadline
FallMarch 1
SpringOctober 1

Renewal Requirements

The following criteria must be met during your Iowa State career to maintain the scholarship:
  • Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 while enrolled at Iowa State
  • Continuous enrollment in a minimum of 12 semester credits each semester (summers not included)
  • Only students assessed non-resident tuition are eligible for this award
  • The award may only be used toward undergraduate tuition and fees