Scholarships-Bourses: June 2017


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Undergraduate Scholarships for foreign students in the USA

                              Image result for Monterey Institute – MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS

Middlebury Institute Scholarships

We’re proud to offer a wide variety of competitive scholarships to our master’s programs for both U.S. and international students.

Both U.S. and international students are eligible for merit or need-based scholarships. To apply, submit your application for admission by the next priority deadline.You’ll upload a Personal Scholarship Statement as part of your online application.

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Oregon State University – Cascades Honorary Scholarship

Entering undergraduate students may apply for this scholarship.


1 individual scholarship
To apply
Send 600-800 word essay on what it means to be a global citizen, drawing on specific examples of personal experience with cross-cultural communication to
In e-mail, include cell phone number, name, student ID and country of citizenship

March 31, 2017

Fully admitted to OSU-Cascades as an undergraduate international student
600-800 word essay on what it means to be a global citizen, drawing on specific examples of personal experience with cross-cultural communication
Skype interview for all finalists

        Image result for hiram college

Hiram College – Scholarship for International Students

Although Hiram College does not offer need-based aid to international students, there is a generous program of merit-based global scholarships. These scholarships range from $1,000 to $18,000 per year and are renewable annually for up to four years of study. To be considered, you must have your completed application for admission into the Admission Office not later than February 1. There is no separate scholarship application. The files of all students admitted to the College will receive scholarship consideration. Both the Admission and Scholarship Committees evaluate each student’s application file in its entirety. This holistic review includes academic preparation and performance, standardized test scores, teacher recommendations, personal essay and interview, with the strongest emphasis placed on academic performance. Scholarship recipients are notified by February 15.

Maryville College – International Scholarships

             Image result for Maryville College

Maryville College has a strong scholarship program for international students and all admitted degree-seeking international students receive a scholarship. You will automatically be considered for the highest possible amount. All scholarship funds are credited toward tuition payments.  Your scholarship is automatically renewed for up to four academic years (8 fall/spring semesters), provided that you maintain a satisfactory GPA, act as a cultural ambassador on campus, and reside on campus. 
There is no financial aid to cover living costs, fees, books, and miscellaneous expenses.  For visa purposes, most students need to show approximately $22,000 - $30,000 in available financial support for the first year of their studies.
Scholarships are based on academic performance and potential, as determined by school records and/or test scores.
International Diversity Scholarship Awarded to entering international students who have a demonstrated record of academic achievement,  demonstrated international leadership in the past, have a clear plan for contributing to the international community on campus and can show financial need.  Application and phone/skype interview required Financial value: Full-Tuition Scholarship.  Renewable for eight fall/spring semesters of full-time study with a 3.0 GPA and leadership participation.  Must live on-campus.  See application below.
International Presidential Scholarship Awarded to entering international students with a 3.7 - 4.0 GPA.   Financial value: $23,000 each year for residential students.  $19,000 for commuters.
International Dean's Scholarship Awarded to entering international students with a 3.4 - 3.6 GPA. Financial value: $22,000 each year for residential students.  $18,000 for commuters.
International MC Scholarship Awarded to entering international students with a 3.0 - 3.3 GPA. Financial value: $21,000 each year for residential students.  $17,000 for commuters.
International MC Scots Scholarship Awarded to entering international students with a 2.7 - 2.9 GPA. Financial value: $19,000 each year for residential students.  $16,000 for commuters.
International Scholarship Awarded to entering admitted international students with a GPA below 2.7. Financial value: $16,000 each year for residential students.  $12,000 for commuters.

To apply for a scholarship, an applicant must
  2. Send all required documents for admission. Find out more about application requirements.

Miami University International Student Scholarships

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Miami's International Student Scholarship program provides renewable merit-based scholarships for outstanding international applicants. International Student Scholarship awards can vary from $2,000 to $16,000 per year. Award amounts are determined by academic records, test scores, and other factors received by Miami University at the time of application.
In addition to the International Student Scholarships, all international students with equivalent U.S. grade point averages of 3.50 (or equivalent) or higher and SAT scores of 1280 or ACT scores of 27 or higher are also considered for merit-based scholarships. These additional scholarships can range from $500 per year to full tuition per year. Merit scholarship amounts are determined by the academic records, test scores, and other factors received by Miami University at the time of application.
Over 30 percent of the fall 2016 international first-year students who were admitted to Miami University were also offered a scholarship. All students who complete applications for admission are automatically considered for the scholarships listed above. No separate application is required.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Marshall Scholarships for American students

               Image result for Marshall Scholarships for American students
Scholarship Overview:
  • Marshall Scholarships finance high-calibre young graduates or soon-to-be graduates from the USA to study in the UK
Scholarship Description:

  • As future leaders, with a lasting understanding of British society, Marshall Scholars strengthen the enduring relationship between the British and American peoples, their governments and their institutions. Marshall Scholars are talented, independent and wide-ranging, and their time as scholars enhances their intellectual and personal growth. Their direct engagement with Britain through its best academic programmes contributes to their ultimate personal success.

Host School(s): 
  • Study in UK
How Many Scholarships will be awarded?
  • Up to 40 Americans are selected each year
Field(s) of study:
  • Any Graduate field of studies.
Who can Apply?

  • American citizens.


  • Open only to United States citizens who (at the time they take up their Scholarship) hold a first degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the United States with a minimum GPA of 3.7. To qualify for awards tenable from October 2018, candidates must have graduated from their undergraduate college or university after April 2015.

  • NB: Persons already studying for or holding a British degree or degree-equivalent qualification are not eligible to apply for a Marshall Scholarship.

  • Scholarship Duration:

    The Two Year Marshall Scholarship is tenable for two academic years (ie 22 months), but may be extended by the Commission, though not beyond the end of a third academic year. Third-year extensions are granted by the Commission on a limited basis, for strong academic reasons, subject to the availability of funds. In addition, thanks to the generous support of the following Universities:
    • Up to three third-year extensions may be granted by the University of Oxford to those pursuing a doctorate at Oxford.
    • The One Year Marshall Scholarship is tenable for one academic year (ie 12 months) and cannot be extended.

    • What does the scholarship cover?

    • University fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from the United States and, where applicable, a contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse.
    Application Closing date: 

    •  (For receipt of applications in appropriate regional centre in US) early-October of year preceding tenure.
    How can I Apply?

    • Applications are made in one of eight regions in the United States. Candidates may apply in one region only - either that in which they have their permanent home address or ordinary place of residence/employment, or that in which they are studying.
    How do I get more information?

    Tuesday, June 27, 2017

    Bourse Doctorat du Gouvernement Canadien pour les Etudiants Etrangers

                                            Image result for vanier scholarship
    Apercu de la Bourse:
    • Le gouvernement du Canada a lancé le Programme de bourses d'études supérieures du Canada Vanier (BESC Vanier) en 2008 pour attirer les meilleurs étudiants au doctorat d'ici et d'ailleurs et faire du Canada un centre d'excellence en recherche et en enseignement supérieur dans le monde. Les réussites universitaires des boursiers Vanier dans les domaines des sciences humaines, des sciences naturelles et/ou du génie, ainsi que des sciences de la santé sont exceptionnelles, et leurs qualités de leader sont reconnues.
    Ecole(s) Hote(s): 
    • Etudier au Canada
    Combien de bourses seront disponibles?
    • Jusqu'à 167 bourses sont attribuées chaque année(Si d'autres fonds deviennent disponibles, des bourses supplémentaires pourront être attribuées.)
    Domaines d'Etudes:
    • Sciences humaines, des sciences naturelles et/ou du génie, ainsi que des sciences de la santé

    Qui peuvent postuler?
    • Les citoyens canadiens, les résidents permanents du Canada et les citoyens de pays étrangers

    Calendrier de la procedure:
    • Juillet-novembre Les candidats préparent et soumettent une demande à un établissement canadien admissible.
    • Date limite interne Date limite pour envoyer la demande à établissement qui propose la candidature. Communiquer avec l’établissement qui présente la candidature pour connaître la date exacte.
    • 1er novembre 2017 (20 h, HE) Date limite pour la présentation, par un établissement, d'une candidature au Programme de BESC Vanier
    • Novembre 2017 - mars 2018 Évaluation des demandes
    • Fin mars 2018 Date prévue pour l’annonce des résultats. Les candidats retenus seront informés par courriel dès que les résultats seront disponibles dans RechercheNet.
    • 1er mai 2018, 1er septembre 2018 ou 1er janvier 2019 Début du versement des bourses
    Admissibilite du candidat

    Vous devez confirmer que vous et l'établissement qui propose votre candidature satisfaites à tous les critères énoncés ci-dessous avant de présenter une demande de bourse d'études supérieures du Canada Vanier (BESC Vanier).

    Les candidatures qui ne satisfont pas à tous les critères d'admissibilité seront rejetées.

    Pour être admissible à une BESC Vanier, il faut que :

    • votre candidature ait été présentée par un seul établissement canadien doté d’un quota d’attribution de BESC Vanier;
    • vous entrepreniez votre premier programme de doctorat (ce qui comprend les programmes de recherche combinés de premier cycle et d’études de doctorat, tels que M.D.‑Ph.D., D.M.V.-Ph.D. et J.D.-Ph.D., s’ils ont une composante de recherche importante et manifeste). Veuillez noter que seule la portion Ph.D. d’un programme combiné est admissible au financement;
    • vous ayez l’intention d’effectuer, au cours de la session d’été ou de l’année universitaire suivant l’annonce des résultats, des études supérieures et de la recherche à temps plein au niveau du doctorat (ou dans le cadre d’un programme combiné, tel que M.D.‑Ph.D., D.M.V.-Ph.D. et J.D.-Ph.D.) au sein de l’établissement ayant présenté votre candidature. Veuillez noter que seule la portion Ph.D. d’un programme combiné est admissible au financement;
    • vous n’ayez pas effectué plus de 20 mois d’études de doctorat au 1er mai 2018 (voir la section Calcul des mois d’études de doctorat ci-dessous);
    • vous ayez obtenu une moyenne de première classe, telle que définie par votre établissement, au cours de chacune de vos deux dernières années d’études à temps plein ou l’équivalent. On encourage les candidats à communiquer avec leur établissement pour connaitre la définition d’une moyenne de première classe;
    • vous ne déteniez pas ou n’ayez jamais obtenu de bourse doctorale ou postdoctorale des IRSC, du CRSNG ou du CRSH pour entreprendre ou terminer un programme doctoral.
    Criteres de Selection:
     Duree de la Bourse:

    • Trois ans (non-renouvelable) durant les etudes doctorales.
    • Montant de la bourse

    • $50,000 par annee
    Dates  limites: 

    Il existe deux dates limites pour le concours de 2017-2018 :

    Date limite interne de l'établissement : Après qu'un étudiant a choisi dans RechercheNet l'établissement auquel il désire poursuivre ses études de doctorat (voir tâche 10), une date s'affichera au haut de chaque page. Il s'agit de la date limite à laquelle sa demande doit être soumise à l'établissement au moyen de RechercheNet. Cette date est fixée par chaque établissement. Vous ne pourrez soumettre votre demande après la date et l'heure indiquées.

    Date limite de participation au programme : Les établissements doivent soumettre les candidatures sélectionnées au Programme de BESC Vanier au plus tard le 1er novembre 2017 (20 h, heure de l'Est).

    Comment Postuler?

    Avant de remplir une demande, les candidats sont priés de lire les instructions attentivement. Le comité de sélection des bourses d’études supérieures du Canada Vanier est un comité multidisciplinaire. Les demandes qui lui sont soumises sont destinées à des non-spécialistes, et la rédaction doit se faire en conséquence.

    Les documents des demandes individuelles peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais. Il incombe au candidat de s'assurer que sa demande est complète, et qu'elle contient les évaluations des répondants.

    1. Dans RechercheNet, accomplissez toutes les tâches énumérées pour le concours du Programme de BESC Vanier.
    2. Prévisualisez la version complète de votre dossier de demande dans RechercheNet en utilisant la tâche « Prévisualiser les documents relatifs à la demande » pour vous assurer que rien ne manque. Remarque : La demande apparaissant à l'écran correspond exactement à ce qui sera transmis par voie électronique à l'établissement canadien proposant votre candidature et au Programme de BESC Vanier.
    3. Imprimez la demande en entier.
    4. Enregistrez la version PDF de la demande complète.
    5. Envoyez la demande électronique remplie en effectuant la tâche « Donner son consentement et soumettre la demande » dans RechercheNet. Remarque : L'établissement qui propose la candidature ne peut accepter votre demande tant que cette tâche ne sera pas accomplie.
    6. Pour obtenir un soutien technique, composez le 1-888-603-4178 ou le 613-954-1968, ou encore écrivez à entre 7 h et 20 h (heure de l'Est).
    7. Pour obtenir de l'aide au sujet du programme, veuillez écrire à
    Comment avoir plus d'informations?

    Canadian Government Graduate Scholarship for International Students

                                     Image result for vanier scholarship

    Scholarship Overview:
    • The Government of Canada launched the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program in 2008 to strengthen Canada's ability to attract and retain world-class doctoral students and establish Canada as a global centre of excellence in research and higher learning. Vanier Scholars demonstrate leadership skills and a high standard of scholarly achievement in graduate studies in the social sciences and/or humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.
    Host School(s): 
    • Study in Canada
    How Many Scholarships will be awarded?

    • Up to 167 scholarships are awarded annually(Should more funds become available, additional scholarships may be awarded.)
    Field(s) of study:

    • Graduate studies in the social sciences and/or humanities, natural sciences and/or engineering and health.

    Who can Apply?

    • Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens.

    Application Timeline:
    • July – November Applicants seek a nominating institution, prepare and submit application package.
    • Internal Deadline Deadline to submit application to the nominating institution. Contact nominating institution for specific date.
    • November 1, 2017 (20:00 ET) Deadline for institutions to submit nominations to the Vanier CGS program.
    • November 2017 – March 2018 Review and evaluation of nominations.
    • End of March 2018 Anticipated announcement of results.Nominees will be notified by email when the results are available on ResearchNet.
    • May 1, 2018, September 1, 2018 or January 1, 2019 Payments begin.

    Confirm that you and your nominating institution meet all the criteria below before you apply for a Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Vanier CGS).
    Nominations that do not meet all of the eligibility criteria will not be accepted.

    Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada and foreign citizens are eligible to be nominated for a Vanier CGS.

    To be considered for a Vanier CGS, you must:
    • be nominated by only one Canadian institution, which must have received a Vanier CGS quota;
    • be pursuing your first doctoral degree (including joint undergraduate/graduate research program such as: MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, JD/PhD - if it has a demonstrated and significant research component). Note that only the PhD portion of a combined degree is eligible for funding;
    • intend to pursue, in the summer semester or the academic year following the announcement of results, full-time doctoral (or a joint graduate program such as: MD/PhD, DVM/PhD, JD/PhD) studies and research at the nominating institution; Note that only the PhD portion of a combined degree is eligible for funding;
    • not have completed more than 20 months of doctoral studies as of May 1, 2018 (see calculating months of doctoral studies below);
    • have achieved a first-class average, as determined by your institution, in each of the last two years of full-time study or equivalent. Candidates are encouraged to contact the institution for its definition of a first-class average; and
    • must not hold, or have held, a doctoral-level scholarship or fellowship from CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC to undertake or complete a doctoral degree.
    Selection of Applicants:

    Applicant are selected based on:
    • Academic Excellence
    • Research Potential
    • Leadership (potential and demonstrated ability)

    Scholarship Duration:

    • Three years(non-renewable) during doctoral studies

    • What does the scholarship cover?

    • $50,000 per year
    Application Closing date: 

    There are two deadlines pertaining to the 2017-2018 competition:
    • Institution internal deadline: Following the student's identification in ResearchNet of the institution proposed for doctoral study (see Task 10), an additional deadline date and time will appear at the top of each page. This is the deadline by which your application must be submitted to the institution through ResearchNet. This deadline is set and controlled by each institution. You will not be able to submit your application past this precise date and time.
    • Program deadline: Institutions must forward their selected nominations to the Vanier CGS program by November 1, 2017 (20:00 Eastern Time).
    How can I Apply?

    Before beginning an application please read the Application instructions carefully. The Vanier CGS agency-specific selection committees are multidisciplinary; applications should be written with a non-specialist research audience in mind.

    Individual application documents can be submitted in either English or French.

    It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the application is complete, including referee assessments.

    1. In ResearchNet, complete all tasks listed for the Vanier CGS application.
    2. Preview the Full Application Package version of your application in ResearchNet, using the "Preview Application Materials" task, to ensure that your application is complete. Note: What you see previewed is exactly how your application will look when submitted electronically to the Canadian nominating institution and to the Vanier CGS program.
    3. Print the entire application.
    4. Save the PDF version of the entire, completed application.
    5. Submit the completed electronic application through ResearchNet by completing the "Consent and Submit Application" task. Note: The nominating institution cannot accept your application until you complete this task.
    6. For technical help, call 1-888-603-4178 or 613-954-1968 or email from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
    7. For program-related help, please contact
    How do I get more information?

    Monday, June 26, 2017

    Russian Goverment Scholarships for International Students

                                                     Image result for russian government scholarship
    Scholarship Overview:

    • Every year the Russian government provides the so-called ‘state-funded spots’ at universities to international applicants.
    Host School(s):
    • Study in Russia
    Field of study:
    • Any course offered at the chosen university at any level of study. 
    Who can Apply:
    • Certain groups of foreigners, Russians living abroad and immigrants can apply for state scholarships on the same terms as Russian citizens once they pass the entrance exams or Uniform State Examination (EGE).
    • All countries having diplomatic ties with Russia.
    How Do I apply?
    1. Contact the united operator* in your country and get information about available scholarships and fields of study.The number of state-funded places for international students allocated to a country depends on the nature of its cooperation with Russia. Some countries have agreements defining not only the number of funded places, but subjects as well.
      * An operator in a foreign country is:
      • A representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo; Or
      • A representative of Rossotrudnichestvo at the Embassy of Russia; Or
      • A Russian Embassy.
    2. Register on the website, fill out an electronic form and submit your application. Please indicate:
      • Personal information (full name, date of birth, country of residence, e-mail and contact telephone number – you will receive updates about the status of your application);
      • Profession, specialization or field of study you are applying for (you can change this information at any time before you have completed the relevant tests);
      • Level of your current education;
      • Level of Russian.
      You can choose up to six universities where you would like to study (from those universities available within the quota), but no more than three in one Federal Constituency; in Moscow and St. Petersburg – no more than two in each city. Indicate the university you like most of all as your first choice and list other schools in descending order according to your preferences.
      You will also need:
      • A copy of your passport (must be valid for at least 18 months from the date of your planned arrival in Russia) or a copy of your birth certificate;
      • Copies of documents/certificates confirming your current level of education and/or qualification received in a foreign state. All of the above can be submitted in hard copy to the united operator.
    3. Wait for an invitation to participate in the selection process (interviews, tests, examinations).Depending on the country, the operator can publish the schedule of interviews, tests and examinations on its website or e-mail you directly. Please address your inquiries regarding this stage to the office of the operator in your country.The tests and examinations are organized by a working group that will issue a list of results containing information about all participants and their scores.
    4. Find yourself on the list of candidates (based on the results of tests/examinations).This information will be published on the official website of the united operator in your country or can be mailed directly to the applicants (please confirm this in the relevant representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo).
      Applicants who do not know Russian to a degree sufficient for study in their chosen subject are enrolled in a preparatory department. They spend one year studying Russian, as well as several general education disciplines (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc.) depending on the chosen field of study. Applicants, who pass the final examinations, receive the right to continue their studies in their chosen subject. The prospective students who do not pass their exams, lose their right to free tuition.
    5. If you are on the list of candidates, please prepare additional documents. -A doctor’s certificate (medical certificate) confirming that there are no medical reasons not to accept you to a Russian university, including the results of an HIV test;
      -Copies of documents (notarized and translated into Russian) listed on the website of Rossotrudnichestvo.
      Attach these documents to the electronic form and submit it online or deliver them in hard copy to the operator.
      Information about candidates reaches the central office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Moscow, after this Ministry of Education of Russia receives it and adds to the information base After registration applicants receive an ID which allows them to access the information system and track the application status.
    6. Wait for a letter/notification confirming your enrollment in the university and containing information about your next steps.This information will be relayed to you by a representative of the united operator in your country*.
    * In certain cases, applicants interested in enrollment in Arts and Humanities must sit additional examinations (creative contests) in the universities. For this, applicants will need to come to Russia on a tourist visa. The decision to accept/not accept a certain applicant will be made based on the results of the creative contest (additional examinations).

    Scholarship Duration:
    • Depends on the level and course of study but usually last the entire duration of the program.
    What does it cover?
    • Free tuition for the entire duration of the chosen program
    • Maintenance allowance (for the entire duration of study regardless of the candidate's success). In 2016, an average scholarship amounted to 1,300 roubles a month (approximately USD 21);
    • Dormitory accommodation (if available).
    The scholarship does not include:
    • Travel costs;
    • Living expenses;
    • Voluntary health insurance policy.
    International students (university graduates) who are completing internships in programs of additional vocational education (professional training or career advancement) do not receive a maintenance allowance, but do receive accommodation in the dormitory of their university.

    How do I get more information?

    Saturday, June 24, 2017

    German Government Graduate Scholarship For International Students

    Scholarship Overview:

    • This scholarship program offers you the opportunity to continue your academic education in Germany with a postgraduate or Master's degree course of study.

    Host School(s):
    • Study in Germany

    Field of study:

    Excellently-qualified graduates who have completed a first degree (Bachelor, Diploma or comparable academic degree) at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study program. 
    • Language and Cultural Studies
    • Law, Economics and Social Sciences
    • Mathematics/Natural Sciences
    • Medicine
    • Agriculture, Forestry and Nutritional Science
    • Engineering
    For applicants from artistic disciplines and the field of architecture, the DAAD offers subject-specific scholarship programs.

    Application Requirements:

    1. As a rule, applicants should have taken their final examinations no longer than six years before the application deadline.
    2. Applicants who have been resident in Germany for longer than 15 months at the application deadline cannot be considered.
    3. Notification of admission from the German host university for the desired degree course; please note that you yourself are responsible for ensuring that you apply for admission at the host university by the due date. If notification of admission is not yet available at the time of application, it must be subsequently submitted before the scholarship-supported study begins. A Scholarship Award Letter from the DAAD is only valid if you have been admitted to study at the desired host university.
    4. If the degree programme includes a study period or work placement abroad lasting several months, funding for this period abroad is usually only possible under the following conditions:

    • The study visit is essential for achievement of the scholarship objective.
    • The study period is no longer than a quarter of the scholarship period. Longer periods cannot be funded, even partially.
    • The study period does not take place in the home country.
    • Language skills

    • When you apply for your chosen study programme, you are usually required to prove that you have an adequate knowledge of the language of instruction.
    Selection of Applicants:

    An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists reviews applications.

    The most important selection criteria are:

    • academic achievements
    • convincing academic and personal reasons for the planned study project in Germany
    List of participating countries: 

    • Albania,Armenia,Australia,Austria,Azerbaijan,Belarus,Belgium,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Bulgaria,Canada,Croatia,Cyprus,Czech Republic,Denmark,Estonia,Finland,France,Georgia,Greece,Hungary,Iceland,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Japan,Kazakhstan,Korea, the Dem. People's Republic Korea, the Republic of Kosovo,Kyrgyzstan,Latvia,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic,Malta,Moldova, Republic of Montenegro,Netherlands,New Zealand,Norway,Palestinian territories,Paraguay,Poland,Portugal,Romania,Russian Federation,San Marino,Serbia,Slovakia,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Syrian Arab Republic (Syria),Tajikistan,Turkmenistan,Ukraine,United Kingdom,United States of America,Uzbekistan,Vatican City,Yemen.
    Scholarship Duration:

    For a postgraduate or Master's degree completed in Germany:
    • between 10 and 24 months depending on the length of the chosen study programme
    • The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study for the chosen study program (up to a maximum of 24 months). To receive further funding after the first year of study for 2-year courses, proof of academic achievements thus far should indicate that the study program can be successfully completed within the standard period of study.
    • Applicants who are already in Germany in the first academic year of a 2-year postgraduate or Master's program at the time of their application may apply for a scholarship for the second year of study. In this case, it is not possible to extend the scholarship.
    For a study period in Germany as part of a postgraduate or Master's degree completed in a foreign country:
    • usually one academic year; an extension is not possible.
    • The scholarship usually begins on 1st October, or earlier if the student takes a language course prior to the study program.
    • What does the scholarship cover?

    • Scholarship payments of 750 euros a month
    • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
      • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
    • One-off study allowance
    • Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:
    • Contribution towards tuition fees that may be charged by the university (max. € 500.- per semester)
    • Monthly rent subsidy
      1. Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family
      2. To enable scholarship holders to learn German in preparation for their stay in the country, DAAD offers the following services:
      3. Payment of course fees for the online language course "Deutsch-Uni Online (DUO)" for six months after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter
      4. if necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit; the DAAD decides whether to fund participation and for how long depending on German language skills and project. Participation in a language course is compulsory if the study programme is taught in German.
      5. Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the scholarship period
      6. Reimbursement of the fees for the TestDaF test which has either been taken in the home country after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany before the end of the funding period
      7. As an alternative to the TestDaF for scholarship holders who have taken a language course beforehand: the fee for a DSH examination taken during the scholarship period may be reimbursed.
      Application Closing date: 
      • Varies by country.
      How can I Apply?

      How do I get more information?

      Friday, June 23, 2017

      Australian Government Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship For International Students

      Scholarship Overview:
      • The Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship provides financial support for international applicants to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or research in any field in Australia.
      Host School(s):
      • This scholarship is available at any Australian educational institution offering eligible courses (as described below). 

      To be eligible to receive the scholarship, applicants must: 
      • be aged 18 years or over at the commencement of their program  
      • be a citizen and/or permanent resident of a participating country 
      •  commence their proposed program after 1 January 2018 and no later than 30 November 2018. Applicants who have already commenced or will commence their intended program prior to 2018 are not eligible to apply 
      • provide all relevant supporting documentation which inclede:
      1.   scan and attach their supporting documentation specified for the category for which they are applying 
      2. If the document is not in English provide both the original and an English translation 
      3. provide certified (attested) copies of: - Passport, Birth Certificate, or Australian Citizenship Certificate - Academic transcripts - IELTS, TOEFL, CAE or PTE results.
      •  not currently hold or have completed, after 1 January 2016, an Australian Government sponsored scholarship and/or fellowship (directly administered to recipients by the Australian Government).  
      •  not apply for a category in which they have already completed an Endeavour scholarship or fellowship
      This scholarship is only available for the following course levels:
      • Doctor of Philosophy (The Doctoral Degree (PhD) is the highest award offered by Australian universities. It is a research degree although some programs may have a coursework component. The Doctoral Degree recognises a significant original contribution to knowledge and understanding and/or application of knowledge within a discipline or field of study. The duration of a Doctoral program may vary considerably but typically requires the equivalent of three years full-time work.)
      • Masters Coursework (The Masters Degree is typically gained by research or coursework or a combination. The Masters Degree enhances professional or vocational skills already gained in a Bachelor Degree or equivalent. A Masters Degree takes either one year full-time research after a Bachelor Degree with Honours or two years full-time after a Bachelor Degree and period of employment.)
      • Masters Research (The Masters Degree is typically gained by research or coursework or a combination. The Masters Degree enhances professional or vocational skills already gained in a Bachelor Degree or equivalent. A Masters Degree takes either one year full-time research after a Bachelor Degree with Honours or two years full-time after a Bachelor Degree and period of employment.)
      List of participating countries: 


      Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela.


      Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Cambodia, China (People's Republic), Hong Kong SAR, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea (Republic of Korea - South), Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam.

      The Caribbean:

      Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Martinique, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago. 


      Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (including Reunion), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom (including Northern Ireland). 

      Middle East: 

      Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.


      Fiji, French Polynesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated states), Nauru, New Caledonia, New Zealand* (including Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna.

      Scholarship Duration:
      • 4 years
      What does the scholarship cover?

      • The scholarship is valued at up to $272,500 for a PhD and $140,500 for a Masters. Benefits include: travel allowance of $3,000 (provision to pay up to $4,500 under special circumstances); establishment allowance of $2,000 (fellowships) or $4,000 (scholarships); monthly stipend of $3,000 (paid up to the maximum category duration on a pro-rata basis); health insurance for the full category duration (OSHC for international recipients); travel insurance (excluding during programme for international recipients). Endeavour scholarship recipients will also receive tuition fees paid up to the maximum study/research duration on a pro-rata basis. Tuition includes student service and amenities fees.

      Application Closing date: 
      • 30 June 2017

      How do I get more information?